Thanks to the City of Parkersburg for taking delivery in June of another NEW-WAY Cobra 20RL rear load refuse packer mounted on a Freightliner M2-106

VACTOR Ram Jet trailer
Thanks to everyone at The Town of Chapmanville, Hayslett Construction and Dunn Engineering for the parts they played in getting our VACTOR Ram Jet trailer

The City of Huntington has replaced their old self-contained compactor with a new K-PAC 30 cu. yd. unit at their Mountain Health Arena. Thanks Jim

ELGIN Pelican NP street sweepers
The City of Charleston took delivery of two more ELGIN Pelican NP street sweepers. That makes 15 ELGIN sweepers for them since the first in

ALTEC DC47-TR digger
The New River Community and Technical College added this ALTEC DC47-TR digger derrick line truck to their fleet of training equipment. Thanks Twana and David,

ELGIN Pelican NP Street Sweeper
West Virginia Paving has purchased another new ELGIN Pelican NP street sweeper. That makes at least three new Pelicans, the most popular street sweeper in